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Getting Involved!

Mentoring Program since 2005

It is well known that our youth are our future, but as in many other areas, our culture has forgotten to provide the resources for them to flourish. The DSY Mentoring Program provides a supportive relationship that can powerfully enhance the direction and quality of young peoples’ lives who have been challenged by life.


Mentoring partners with young people and exposes them to new horizons by challenging them to think, choose and act outside their normal limits through conversations, discussions and a process of discernment. It teaches youth to find self-acceptance in a world of full of judgment.

cultural Intelligence and Sensitivity trainings

Students & parents: Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity & Communications in high school 

Professional, Consulting ti ease the waters of racial tensions in high school communities.

These and other programs and services available for all schools and youth organizations.

Call "Mr J"

Mr Jackson


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